Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Meaningful Monday...errr Tuesday - Baby Teeth, God and Us

My 11 month old finally got his first teeth this weekend.  They are just little nubs for now, but they're still exciting!  We were starting to wonder if he was going to have to gum his food for the rest of his life!

These sweet little teeth got me thinking though.  Babies form tiny teeth perfectly sized for their little bodies.  As the grow and their bodies are able to handle more types of foods, they get more teeth specifically designed for tearing and chewing.  Once their bodies start outgrowing their teeth, they fall out and newer, better, bigger teeth fill the void. 

I'm at a loss for how people can think that this "just happens" because some organic goo has morphed over millions of years, evolving into a beautifully working creation whose body knows it needs not just one, but two sets of teeth.  There is nothing in my life that has ever made more aware of God than having a baby, watching him grow and change and seeing how his body is intricately designed to do everything that it needs to do to make it through each stage of life.  There is no way that this "just happens" without a Creator and a plan.

We are each God's design, His masterpiece created in His image. (Gen 1:27)  He planned us and has known us since before we were born. (Jeremiah 1:5)   We aren't something that just happened; we were made and designed with a purpose.  

Who doesn't want to have a purpose?  Here's a little secret that the world doesn't know.  Our purpose isn't a quest for which we have to spend years searching.  If we can acknowledge that God is and that He has created us, then our purpose is clear.

King Solomon, perhaps the wisest man that ever lived, explored every kind of pleasure and source of happiness that he could find in the book of Ecclesiastes.   At the end of the book he concluded, "All has been heard: fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man." (Ecclesiastes 12:13)  This is the purpose for which we've been designed.  We can discover our purpose the easy way by learning from King Solomon and from what the scriptures have to say or we can learn it the hard way by chasing meaningless things.

It seems this thought has strayed away from baby teeth.  =)  There are so many lessons to be learned from our children.  One of the biggest to me though is the fact that God is.  Watching and studying things as simple as baby teeth, makes the existence of God completely undeniable.  Accepting God as Creator, gives our lives purpose and what better purpose could we have?

I would love to hear how the children in your life have taught you lessons about God and faith.

On another note, I've found a book to study by Cindy Colley that explores The Woman of the Genesis.  Yay!

Linked to:
Living Well Wednesday
Word Filled Wednesday Blog Hop

1 comment:

  1. Nice to find a faith based blog. I'm following you back from VB. Cute little boy! They do teach us so much, especially when they begin to talk.


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