Monday, August 13, 2012

Fruity Dessert Enchiladas

Dessert Fruit Enchiladas have a delicious caramel sauce.

First off, I'll admit that this is in no way healthy, but it's an old favorite that I wanted to record for future reference.  Fruit filled dessert enchiladas are tasty enough for your next Mexican themed potluck, but easy enough for a weeknight's dessert.  Top them with ice vanilla cream and you'll be in heaven.

Because this recipe is so simple, you could use any canned fruit flavored pie filling.  I prefer the berry fillings, but the hubs liked the apple the best.  Either way, you can jazz them up with a few additions like cinnamon and nutmeg or vanilla and almond extracts.  Because this recipe is so sweet, I used the whipped cream cheese to provide a delicious contrast.  You could use a regular cream cheese, but I like the fact that you don't have to wait for the whipped cream cheese to soften.  I'm lazy that way.

If you're watching your diet, many changes could be made in order to lighten up the enchiladas like using whole wheat tortillas, no sugar added pie filling, low fat cream cheese, reduced fat butter, splenda, etc...   You could also cut back the amount of the sauce.  The results would be similar enough to satisfy your sweet craving while saving you a few calories.

Please share any variations that you can think up and enjoy!

Adapted from:

1 (21 oz) can of fruit pie filling
6 (8 inch) tortillas
4 oz whipped cream cheese
1-2 Tbsp powdered sugar
Additional flavorings if desired (see notes)

1/3 c butter or margarine (salted)
1/2 c granulated sugar
1/2 c packed brown sugar
1/3 c water
1/2 tsp vanilla

  1. Bring butter, sugars and water to boil in a small saucepan.  Reduce heat and simmer 3 minutes, stirring continuously.  Remove from heat and stir in vanilla.
  2. In a small bowl, combine whipped cream cheese and powdered sugar.  I prefer it just slightly sweetened with about 1 Tbsp of powdered sugar.  In another bowl combine pie filling and your choice of flavorings.
  3. Spread a dollop of cream cheese over each tortilla.  Top with 2 spoonfuls of filling.  You should use up all of the filling.  Roll tortillas and place seam side down in an 8x8 glass pan that has been spray with cooking spray.  Pour butter sauce over enchiladas.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes or until golden brown.  Cool slightly before serving.
Notes:  Apple enchiladas- dice the apples into smaller pieces.  Add 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and a few dashes of nutmeg to the apples.  Sprinkle top of dish with additional cinnamon.
Cherry enchiladas- add 1/2 tsp almond extract to cherry pie filling.
Blueberry- I like these the way they are, but you could add a little cinnamon if desired.
I will add more flavors as I try them.   

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  1. Absolutely delicious!! I was going to ask you for the recipe and here it is!! You are a wonderful cook and always come up with such neat ideas! Love it!!!

    1. Thank you Kay! I've been wanting to make these again for a long time. :)

  2. NOw, that's my kind of dinner ;) Looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing. New follower here. Yay for being blog friends!! :)

    1. Thank you! I love meeting new blog friends!!

  3. Super delicious dessert!
    Very easy-to-make, and I'll bet even easier to eat it all :)

  4. These do look great!! You are right they would make a great addition to a Mexican potluck. I bet my kids would love them!

    1. Definitely! They are so easily adapted to whatever your family likes. Thanks for visiting!

  5. Dessert enchiladas? What an amazing idea! Love all the options for fruit fillings.

    Stopping by from Mouthwatering Monday (#37 Beef Burgers with Bacon and Red Onion)

    Amber @ The Cook's Sister

  6. Gonna try this recipe of yours, I'm sure my family will love this. Thanks for sharing

  7. These look so delicious!! I'd love to have you link this up to Tasty Thursdays on The Mandatory Mooch


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