Sunday, October 9, 2011

Removing Disqus

For the last month or 2 I've been using Disqus for commenting and while there are a few pluses to it that I really liked, the negatives have won out.  One of the biggest drawbacks to Disqus is that when it is gone, so are the comments that were made with it.  While I truly value all of the comments that are left on my blog, it was now or never. 

The point of this post is to say that if your comment is gone, it's not because I moderated it.  Unfortunately, it's gone because my commenting widget is gone.  One of the good things about it being gone is that now I can find you and comment back on your blog.  Disqus made it impossible to find your blogs before.  I am truly excited to start connecting with everyone again!  =) 


  1. I didn't like disqus either. I took it off almost as soon as I installed it! I wish blogger had a better commenting system, though. If you ever find something better, let us know!

  2. I agree with you and beth, I was not pleased with disqus at all. They said all my old comments would transfer, but they didn't. I had nothing but trouble with them.

  3. I hate that you ladies had problems with it too. The worst part is definitely losing all of those precious comments. :(

  4. That's what my fellow bloggers also told me, good thing i haven't installed disqus on my blog. I hope the developer of disqus would find a way to retrieve the comments once we remove their commenting platform.


Your comments make my day! I treasure each one. :)


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