Saturday, July 7, 2012

Quick Blender Salsa

My family loves salsa/Mexican food so much that sometimes it's hard for me to believe that the hubs isn't part Hispanic.  He wouldn't dream of eating a slice of tomato, but throw in some onions and cilantro and he'll eat it by the bucketful. 

Making salsa was such a long labor of love with all of the chopping that I didn't make it very often.... until I found this simple blender salsa recipe.  If I use canned tomatoes, I can whip this up in about 5 minutes.  Score! 

Since my father in law is in the middle of harvesting tons of tomatoes, I made mine with fresh tomatoes which takes a little longer because I like to scoop out the seeds.  However, they're free, fresh and I can make a bunch of salsa to freeze for later.  :)

This simple blender salsa is perfect for parties, potlucks or any night of the week.  It's cheap, easy and packed full of flavor!

Adapted from AllRecipes 

2 (14.4) oz cans of tomatoes or 10-12 Roma tomatoes, seeds removed
1 jalapeno, seeds, stem and ribs removed
1/2 yellow onion, quartered
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 bunch cilantro
1 Tbsp lime juice
Salt and pepper to taste

Toss onion, jalapeno, garlic, cilantro and half of tomatoes into blender.  Process until as smooth as desired.  Add remaining tomatoes and and pulse until your reach your desired consistency.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Let the salsa sit at room temperature for 30 minutes or more so the flavors can meld and then adjust seasonings. 

Makes about 2 cups.

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